If you’re a family looking for a new home, chances are the standard of the schools in the neighbourhood will be one of the top criteria during your search. With so many schools in Etobicoke, it can be difficult to evaluate them all. What’s more, the quality of each school can be determined by many factors, including academic results, class size, demographics of the student population, school proximity to your home, availability of transportation, and extra-curricular activities.
Many of these criteria can be evaluated by chatting with people in the neighborhood, doing some online research, and getting in touch with a knowledgeable local realtor. that is familiar with the schools in Etobicoke.
In this post, we’ll reveal the best and worst schools in Etobicoke based on academic results. We’ll also shed light on some of the other factors that make these schools great or not so great. Let’s jump in!
The Top 5 Schools in Etobicoke
We’ll kick off with revealing five schools that are performing extremely well on standardized tests.
John D Parker Junior School
This school is located in North Etobicoke in the Steeles and Kipling Mount Olive area. This is a great location for someone where school district is top of their list with a limited budget. Highlights include the school’s vibrant music program and horticultural society.
Braeburn Junior School
This small school is situated on the banks of the Humber River and offers a culturally diverse setting. In August of 2007 Braeburn Junior School became part of the Model Schools for Inner Cities Project. The real focus on academic results has put it in the group of the top schools in Etobiocke.
Humberwood Downs Junior Middle Academy
This school, located at the edge of the Humber Arboretum serves around 1,000 students representing more than 20 language groups. It shares a site with Holy Child Catholic School, with amenities including a yard, gymnasiums, and an arts, music, and science lab. One great thing about this school is its proximity to the arboretum and resulting focus on respecting and preserving the natural environment.
Wedgewood Junior School
This school, located in a diverse community, strives to provides a positive and productive environment for its students. There is a high level of parental involvement to help create a nurturing atmosphere.
Millwood Junior School
Millwood Junior School, located in the Markland Woods area, has been a dual track school since 1983. This means students can enter a French Immersion program starting from Senior Kindergarten. The energetic and committed staff focus on both academic and personal development of the students.
The 3 Lowest Rated Schools in Etobicoke
In general, the areas where English as a second language is very high, combined with a need for high special needs programs with lower income families, schools tend to score lower on the standardized testing. Of course, this only gives a glimpse into overall test scores, and doesn’t necessarily reflect on the quality of the schools and their teaching.
Greenholme Junior Middle School
Staff at Greenholme Junior School are dedicated to helping their students achieve academic success, including focusing on time management and organizational skills. When it comes to actual results, this north Etobicoke school has performed consistently poorly compared to others in the area. However, it has improved quite a bit in the last few years.
The Elms Junior Middle School
This school, located in The Elms area east of Rexdale, houses around 400 uniformed students and offers various community programs as well as a daily snack program. However, it has consistently struggled to meet provincial academic standards.
Elmlea Junior School
This Rexdale school is another that hasn’t been doing so well with academic results. It serves 500 students and offers a dual track program. As you can see, Rexdale and the surrounding area isn’t a top choice if you’re looking for the best schools in Etobicoke.
Remember that the academic scoring is only one aspect of evaluating a school. If you have young children, it is always wise to check out the quality of the schools in your desired neighborhood based on a range of criteria.
If you need advice about the local area and the best schools in Etobicoke, your ThompsonSells team would be happy to help!
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